Industry Engagement Day Plus: Transformation to Edge AI 2.0

Industry Engagement Day Plus: Enabling Technologies for Achieving Dual Carbon Target

HKUST Industry Engagement Day Plus: Putting Construction 2.0 into Action

Key Insights and Practical Tips on Outbound Direct Investment

Bright Ideas, Strong Barriers: A Patenting Masterclass

HKUST Sign MoU with ZTE to Strengthen Collaboration in Telecom and AI Computing

HKUST Showcases ESG Excellence at ReThink HK 2024: Pioneering Innovation and…

科大代表團訪江蘇 全方位深化產學研協作 獲無錫經開區經費支持 攜手孵化及培育初創企業

HKUST Shines at Silicon Valley Invention International Festival, Winning…