
Major Functions
(a) Management and Protection of HKUST Intellectual Property
- Monitor inventions, discoveries, copyrighted works and technical information arising from HKUST research works
- Conduct technology review and market assessment for commercialization opportunity
- Handle patent applications and administration
- Intellectual Property portfolio cultivation and management
- Protect HKUST’s Intellectual Property rights
- Organize Intellectual Property seminars for the HKUST community
(b) Technology Marketing
- Establish contacts with industry and public sector both locally and overseas
- Prepare and update marketing materials to promote the University’s research outputs
- Organize open-innovation workshops, industry days and sharing sessions for technology dissemination
- Organize and participate in technology exhibitions and fairs
(c) Seek Research Collaborations and Funding from Industry
- Identify potential collaborative opportunities and partners
- Solicit industrial funding for collaborative research projects
- Solicit industrial sponsorship for matching government funding applications
(d) Technology Licensing and Commercialization
- License HKUST technology to industrial partners worldwide
- Manage and operate HKUST Proof-of-Concept Fund
(e) Project and Contract Development
- Assist faculty in forming industrial collaborative projects through careful planning and due diligence
- Negotiate terms for collaborative research projects and industry-sponsored research projects
- Assist in the settlement of Non-Disclosure Agreements / Materials Transfer Agreements, technology licensing and collaborative research contracts and inter-institutional Intellectual Property agreements
(f) Enhance Entrepreneurial Technology Transfer and Start-up Incubation
- Support the creation of start-up companies and entrepreneurship activities
- Manage and operate Technology Startup Support Scheme for University (TSSSU) and HKUST Entrepreneurship Fund (E-Fund) to synergize with other entrepreneurial efforts in HKUST
- Develop other Startup Accelerators or funding schemes to facilitate proactive engagement of internal staff and students in entrepreneurial technology transfer
- Organize promotional activities to expose HKUST start-ups to potential industrial partners or investors